Carb Counter >> Fast Foods >> Chimichanga

Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef
100g 24.47 g 244.00 97.89 40.1%
1 chimichanga 42.58 g 424.56 170.33 40.1%
Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef and cheese
100g 21.22 g 242.00 84.88 35.1%
1 chimichanga 38.83 g 442.86 155.32 35.1%
Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef and red chili peppers
100g 23.86 g 223.00 95.46 42.8%
1 chimichanga 45.34 g 423.70 181.37 42.8%
Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef, cheese, and red chili peppers
100g 20.91 g 202.00 83.64 41.4%
1 chimichanga 37.64 g 363.60 150.55 41.4%