Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Cream, fluid, heavy whipping
1 tbsp 0.41 g 51.75 1.64 3.2%
1 fl oz 0.81 g 102.81 3.26 3.2%
100g 2.73 g 345.00 10.93 3.2%
1 cup, whipped 3.28 g 414.00 13.11 3.2%
1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped) 6.50 g 821.10 26.01 3.2%
Cream, fluid, light whipping
1 tbsp 0.43 g 43.80 1.74 4.0%
100g 2.89 g 292.00 11.57 4.0%
1 cup, whipped 3.47 g 350.40 13.89 4.0%
1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped) 6.92 g 697.88 27.66 4.0%