Carb Counter >> Vegetables >> Sweetpotato - Canned Sweetpotato

Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Sweetpotato, canned, mashed
100g 23.20 g 101.00 86.00 85.1%
1 cup 59.16 g 257.55 219.30 85.1%
1 can (404 x 307) 115.07 g 500.96 426.56 85.1%
Sweetpotato, canned, syrup pack, drained solids
100g 25.36 g 108.00 89.44 82.8%
1 cup 49.71 g 211.68 175.30 82.8%
Sweetpotato, canned, syrup pack, solids and liquids
100g 20.93 g 89.00 73.72 82.8%
1 cup 47.72 g 202.92 168.08 82.8%
1 can (404 x 307) 133.53 g 567.82 470.33 82.8%
Sweetpotato, canned, vacuum pack
100g 21.12 g 91.00 77.28 84.9%
1 cup pieces 42.24 g 182.00 154.56 84.9%
1 cup, mashed 53.86 g 232.05 197.06 84.9%