Carb Counter >> Sweets >> Hard Candies

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Candies, hard
1 piece, small 2.94 g 11.82 11.76 > 99.0%
1 piece 5.88 g 23.64 23.52 > 99.0%
1 oz 27.78 g 111.70 111.13 > 99.0%
100g 98.00 g 394.00 392.00 > 99.0%
Candies, hard, dietetic or low calorie (sorbitol)
1 piece 2.80 g 11.25 11.21 > 99.0%
100g 93.40 g 375.00 373.60 > 99.0%