Carb Counter >> Sweets >> Molasses

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
1 serving 1 Tablespoon 14.46 g 58.00 57.83 > 99.0%
100g 72.28 g 290.00 289.13 > 99.0%
1 cup 243.59 g 977.30 974.37 > 99.0%
Molasses, blackstrap
1 tbsp 11.75 g 47.00 47.00 > 99.0%
100g 58.75 g 235.00 235.00 > 99.0%
1 cup 192.70 g 770.80 770.80 > 99.0%